Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep!
Every morning always the same monotonous waking up. A very wise person once said that when choosing alarm clock music, we are actually choosing a sound to hate.
Is this the correct method to wake up? Starting the day badly should never be an option. However, for many people using an alarm clock is as essential as brushing their teeth or taking a shower. What's needed are better alarm clocks!
With you in mind, Forall Phones went looking for alternative alarm clocks. Here are the best ones just for you.
Getting out of bed can be one of the hardest things you do in your day. Alarmy ensures you have an easier start to the day by forcing you out of bed! Yes, this app forces you to get out of bed. As? To be able to turn off the alarm clock you have to complete a task that can range from taking a photo of a toilet to doing math.
Warning: your roommates will hate you because of this app!
Having to get out of bed isn't the most fun thing ever. The Carrot Alarm Clock application promises to combat this. As? This application identifies itself as the only alarm clock in the world with consciousness. Strange? The best thing to do is try it.